Rebuttals of the Week #42: ‘Fascism’ is first and foremost a mindset.


Mark G:
This article nails what right wing fascism is, but there’s a unique variant appearing on the hard left as well. On the left it’s an intolerance of different points of view, any challenge to its increasing fundamentalism is met with name calling and vehement accusations of the challenger being Alt right. At this rate the hard left make Stalin look Alt right.

David O: What exactly is the threat of this hard left? Speaking a little nicer to people?

Going to Getugly: David, you are demonstrating  precisely the narcissism and moral self-aggrandizement that is at the centre of the ‘progressive’-Left. It’s the assumption that by adopting a particular set of ideological constructs it makes you morally superb, benevolent and unfailingly correct by default.

The grotesque irony is that this assumption of the absolute righteousness of fashionable ideological beliefs is precisely the mindset that gave rise and support to Fascists in Europe in the 1930’s.

Rebuttals of the Week #39: ‘Hateful voices’ and the politics of the dumb

Tim R: You are known by the company you keep. When the Conservatives embrace these hateful voices like Faith Goldie and Rebel Media they will be painted with that brush, even moderate true Conservatives.

Going to Getugly:  “Hateful voices”. That’s the emotional rhetoric of an adolescent not of a thinking adult. This is what political discourse has been reduced to in Canada and in other Western nations. It’s the strategy of people who have no ideas: “I don’t have to know anything. I don’t have to think. I just have to denounce anyone who doesn’t tell me I’m right as morally inferior to myself.”

It goes without saying that it’s a lot easier to simply proclaim yourself a better person than anyone who doesn’t conform to your views than it is to demonstrate the superiority of your ideas.

It’s the politics of the dumb.